


  1. ylensyöjä, ahmatti

Liittyvät sanat: gluttonous



  1. näätäeläin, ahma, Gulo gulo, syöjä, ahmatti, mässäilijä, suursyömäri, syöppö, syömäri.

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ahma gluttonous Gluttonous; greedy; gormandizing.
(rfdate) (w):

A glutton monastery in former ages makes a hungry ministry in our days.
1597, w:William Shakespeare|William Shakespeare, s:The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth|2 Henry IV i 3:
So, so, thou common dog, didst thou disgorgeThy glutton bosom of the royal Richard?
One who eats voraciously, obsessively, or to excess; a gormandizer.

Such a glutton would eat until his belly hurts.

puhekieltä One who consumes voraciously, obsessively, or to excess
1705, George Granville, The British Enchanters:
"Gluttons in murder, wanton to destroy."
(circa) w:Emily Dickinson|Emily Dickinson, s:Hope_is_a_subtle_Glutton_-- Hope is a subtle Glutton:
Hope is a subtle Glutton / He feeds upon the Fair
1878, w:Thomas Hardy|Thomas Hardy, s:The Return of the Native|The Return of the Native:
"A good few indeed, my man," replied the captain. "Yes, you may make away with a deal of money and be neither drunkard nor glutton."
The wolverine, Gulo gulo, of the family Mustelidae, a carnivorous mammal about the size of a large badger, native to the northern parts of America, Europe, and Asia.


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