

  1. (biologia) genomi

Liittyvät sanat: genomi.


englanti genome
puhekieltä genome (gloss)
through; from one side of an opening to the other

Bollen gick rakt genom fönstret

The ball went right through the window

through; entering something at one place, exiting somewhere else (on the opposite side)

Bussen stannade aldrig i stan, utan körde rakt genom

The bus never stopped within the town, but went right through

through; surrounded by (while moving)

Genom att gå genom skogen sparade vi en halvtimme

By walking through the woods we saved half an hour

(together with att): by means of

Genom att gå genom skogen sparade vi en halvtimme

Fick du reda på det genom att tjuvlyssna?

Did you get to know that by eavesdropping?

across (of time)

Poesin talar genom tidsåldrarna

The poetry speaks across the ages

a genome; the complete DNA of an organism


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