game over

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game over

  1. amerikkalainen jalkapallo.

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peli ohi">peli ohi puhekieltä A message usually signaling that the player failed a computer game|computer or video game, for example by losing all of their life lives, although the phrase sometimes follows the score after successful completion of a game.
1984, Robert Maxxe, Arcade

Before I could figure out what the hell was the object of the game, I hear the thing go boom-boom, and the screen lights up with a sign: game over.
puhekieltä The end of some ongoing situation due to either failure or success.

If your wife finds out about us, its game over!''

2004, Ryan Russell, Stealing the Network: How to Own a Continent, page xxi
Once we started attacking that network from the inside, it was pretty much game over.


  • "Hockey is a momentum game. The puck didn't bounce our way."

  • "Mun termi on: mental game"

  • "Capture of the adverse King is the ultimate but not the first object of the game."

  • "I'm going to gut you like a Cornish game hen. (Aion nylkeä sinut kuin kornikanan.)"


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