


  1. vain attribuuttina|alatyyliä|k=en vitun

Esimerkkejä fucking sanan käytöstä:

You are a 'fucking' idiot.

:Sinä olet 'vitun' idiootti. / 'Vitun' idiootti.

Do you understand the 'fucking' situation we are in?

:Ymmärrätkö tämän 'vitun' tilanteen, jossa (me) olemme?

Why do you need to keep talking about these 'fucking' issues?

:Miksi sinun pitää jatkuvasti puhua näistä 'vitun' ongelmista/epäkohdista?

read the fucking manual lue ne vitun käyttöohjeet

Liittyvät sanat: fricking , frigging



  1. laantumaton, lieventymätön, loputon, täydellinen, helvetin, kirottu, kirotun, hemmetin, pahuksen, pahuksenmoinen, samperin, helkutin, saatanan, vitun, helkkarin, saamarin, sukupuoliyhdyntä, yhdyntä, parittelu, sukupuoliyhteys, sukupuolisuhde, suhde, lihallinen yhteys, nainti, seksi, seksuaalinen kanssakäyminen, yhtyminen, pano, paneminen, muhinointi, nussiminen, rakastelu, ruokottomuus, rivous, karkeus, törkeys, ruma sana, slangi, ammattikieli, erikoiskieli, murre, ammattislangi, jargon.

Lisää synonyymejä Synonyymit.fi:ssä



paneminen, nainti


saatanan (present participle of)

''They have been fucking. (qualifier)

'I really enjoyed fucking' him, but I doubt well have another date.'' (qualifier)

puhekieltä An act of sexual intercourse, especially one lacking passion or a feeling of sincere love.

I got a good fucking out of her, but I doubt well have another date.''

c 1674, John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester, A Satyr on Charles II
Like the French fool, that wanders up and down
Starving his people, hazarding his crown.
Peace is his aim, his gentleness is such,
And love he loves, for he loves fucking much.
puhekieltä An act of mistreatment.

I took a real fucking on the interest rate for that loan.

puhekieltä An intensifier, often applying more to the whole utterance than to the specific word it grammatically modify modifies.

No fucking way.

puhekieltä offensive Offensive, annoying or worthless.

Get your fucking car out of the way.

puhekieltä really Really, very; having intensive force, often applying to the whole sentence or clause.
2010, (w), Hitch-22, Atlantic 2011, p. 81:
A bit young to be so cynical and so superior, you may think. My reply is that you should fucking well have been there, and felt it for yourself.
puhekieltä (alternative spelling of)

New Fucking York.

puhekieltä fucking, intensifier, especially to indicate annoyance.

Die fucking klojo laat me niet met rust.

That fucking asshole won't leave me alone.

puhekieltä fucking, intensifier.

Ik ga hier zo fucking hard op.

I enjoy this so fucking much.


  • "Cause I'm fucking special and you're not, motherfucker!" (vastaus kysymykseen "Yo, man. Why pigs give you special treatment")"

  • "Matti Väisänen sanoi tällaisissa tilanteissa, että vinkuu pahasti. Minun sanontani on: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen. Piste."

  • "Kanava lähti, so fucking what." "

  • "I have had a very difficult last 5 years or so. A lot of shit going on in my personal life. A lot of shit that made me very fucking angry. This album is the result. A healthy way to let it all out."


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