

  1. vesi, H2O, sade, sadevesi, kondensaatti, juomakelpoinen vesi, makea vesi.

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juomakelpoinen vesi, makea vesi Living in fresh water.

freshwater fish

Consisting of fresh water.

Lake Baikal is the worlds largest freshwater lake in terms of volume.''

puhekieltä Unskilled as a seaman.

freshwater sailor

puhekieltä A body of fresh water
1953, Publications of the Institute of Marine Science (volumes 3-4, page 100)
Fossils with low Sr/Ca ratios indicating origin in a freshwater of a type which has a low Sr/Ca ratio: (..)
1967, Bent J. Muus, The Fauna of Danish Estuaries and Lagoons, page 87:
Smith (1958) found that N. limnicola in Lake Merced, virtually a freshwater, had no paragnaths or at the most one on section I against the "normal" 1–2.
2013, Brian R. Moss, Ecology of Fresh Waters: A View for the Twenty-First Century
The chances of long-term preservation of fossils in freshwaters are minimal, for freshwaters are readily disturbed and destroyed by drought on the land masses.
2015, Sophie Lake, ‎Durwyn Liley, ‎Robert Still, Britains Habitats''
Freshwaters are portrayed in many artforms, including books such as Kenneth Grahame's childrens' story Wind in the Willows.
(alternative spelling of)
1978, Roger M. Waller, John T. Turk, and Robert J. Dingman, "Potential effects of deep-well waste disposal in western New York", Geological Survey Professional Paper, page 21:
Schematic diagram of the viscosity effect during the injection of freshwater.
2002, Friedrich A. Schott, Physical Oceanography of the Indian Ocean During WOCE, page 1246:
Above 200m, high-salinity water was being carried southward out of the Arabian Sea. This implies that most of the freshwater was imported into the Arabian Sea in the upper layer.
2011, Guy Levy, P. Fine, and A. Bar-Tal, Treated Wastewater in Agriculture,
Actual field data of Cl distribution in soil after irrigation with TWW and freshwater were obtained in a field experiment in Israel (Feigin et al., 2005; Fine et al. 2007).
(quote-journal)|date=20 April 2014|passage=Alewives are anadromous fish: Born in freshwater, they spend their lives in the ocean, returning annually to their birthplaces to spawn.


freshwater rimmaa näiden kanssa:

tonic water

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