

  1. ( ~ with) täynnä, pullollaan (jotain negatiivista)

  2. kireä, jännittynyt, kuormittunut

Esimerkkejä fraught sanan käytöstä:

'fraught' with difficulties

The article is 'fraught' with errors.

a 'fraught' silence

a 'fraught' relationship

a 'fraught' political issue

The guidelines arrive in the middle of a debate that is already highly 'fraught'. (New York Times)



  1. täysi, -täyteinen, tulvillaan, täynnä jotakin, levoton, ahdistava, ahdistunut, huolestunut, stressaava, tukala.

Lisää synonyymejää



täynnä jotakin, tulvillaan

tukala, ahdistava, stressaava puhekieltä The hire of a ship or boat to transport cargo.
puhekieltä Money paid to hire a ship or boat to transport cargo; freight

fraught money.

puhekieltä The transportation of goods, especially in a ship or boat.
puhekieltä A ship's cargo, lading or freight.


puhekieltä A load; a burden.
puhekieltä Two bucketfuls (of water).
puhekieltä To load (a ship, cargo etc.).
1610, s:The Tempest|The Tempest, by Shakespeare
Had I been any god of power, I would / Have sunk the sea within the earth, or e'er / It should the good ship so have swallow'd and / The fraughting souls within her.
puhekieltä laden Laden.
a vessel of our country richly fraught
puhekieltä Furnished, equipped.
puhekieltä loaded Loaded up, charged or accompanied.
a discourse fraught with all the commending excellences of speech
I. Taylor
enterprises fraught with world-wide benefits
2005, w:Plato Plato, Sophist. Translation by Lesley Brown. w:Stephanus pagination|236d.
all these matters are fraught with paradox, just as they always have been
distressed Distressed.

a fraught relationship

(quote-journal) (Sport)|date=21 October 2014|passage=But ever since the concept of "hamartia" recurred through (w)'s w:Poetics (Aristotle)|Poetics, in an attempt to describe man's ingrained iniquity, our impulse has been to identify a telling defect in those brought suddenly and dramatically low. With w:Oscar Pistorius|Oscar Pistorius, that task is fraught.


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