
suomi-englanti sanakirja

fraught englannista suomeksi

  1. täynnä jotakin, tulvillaan, -täyteinen

  2. tukala, ahdistava, stressaava, ahdistunut, huolestunut

  1. -täyteinen

  2. huolestunut

fraught englanniksi

  1. The hire of a boat or ship to transport cargo.

  2. Money paid to hire a vessel for this purpose; freight.

  3. (hyponyms)


  4. The transportation of goods, especially in a boat or ship.

  5. A ship's cargo; freight, lading.

  6. (RQ:Marlowe Jew of Malta)

  7. (RQ:Shakespeare Kyd Edward 3)

  8. (RQ:Smith Generall Historie)

  9. Two bucketfuls.

  10. (RQ:Barrie Little Minister) is reached (..) by a wide, straight path, so rough that to carry a fraught of water to the manse without spilling was to be superlatively good at one thing.

  11. A burden, a load.

  12. (RQ:Milton Smectymnuus) in Summer as oft vvith the Bird that firſt rouſes, or not much tardier, to reade good Authors, or cauſe them to be read, till the Attention be vveary, or Memory have its full fraught: (..)

  13. (RQ:Milton Samson)

  14. To load (a boat, ship, or other vessel) with cargo.

  15. (quote-book) Iohn Legat, printer to the of Cambridge|Uniuersitie of Cambridge and are to be sold (nb...) by Simon Waterson|year=1603|page=68|pageurl=|oclc=1356159945|passage=(..) I denie that the Proteſtant doth not meddle vvith theſe things, but fraughteth his ſhippe onely vvith faith, and neuer beateth his braine about ſinnes.|footer=(small)

  16. (quote-book) Mikrókosmos. A Little Description of the Great World.(nb...)|edition=revised|location=Oxford, Oxfordshire|publisher=(...) Iohn Lichfield and William Turner, and are to be sold by W. Turner and T. Huggins|year=1625|page=801|pageurl=|oclc=1061916989|passage=Tvvo Marchants departing from ''Spaine'' to get gold, touched vpon part of ''Barbary''; vvhere (..) the other fraughteth his veſſel vvith ſheep: (..)

  17. To burden or load (someone or something).

  18. (quote-book). Chapter III.|title=The Poems of Henry Howard Earl of Surrey|location=London|publisher=Pickering (publisher)|William Pickering|year=a. 1548 (date written)|year_published=1831|page=90|pageurl=|oclc=4119873|passage=From God these heavy cares are sent for our unrests; / And with such burdens for our wealth he fraughteth full our breasts.

  19. (RQ:Shakespeare Cymbeline)

  20. (RQ:Drayton Poly-Olbion)

  21. ''Followed by'' with: to furnish or provide (something).

  22. (synonyms)

  23. (RQ:Calvin Golding Psalmes)

  24. (RQ:Speed Historie of Great Britaine)|page=442|column=2|para=59|passage=''H''''ee'' &91;(w)&93; ''tooke chiefe pleaſure to reſide in his nevv Palace, vvhich himſelfe built at Oxford, both for the delight he had in learned men, himſelfe being very learned, and for the vicinity of his nevv Parke at VVoodſtocke'', vvhich hee had fraught vvith all kind of ſtrange beaſts, ''vvherein hee much delighted, as Lyons, Leopards, Lynces, Camels, Porcupines, and the like''.

  25. (RQ:Hall Discontentment)

  26. (RQ:Fuller Worthies of England) King Henry VIII|''Henry'' &91;VIII&93; full fraught all thoſe vvith vvealth and revvards, vvhom he retained in his imployment.

  27. To hire (a vessel) to transport cargo or passengers.

  28. To transport (cargo or passengers) in a vessel; to freight.

  29. To form the cargo or passengers of a vessel.

  30. (RQ:Shakespeare Tempest)

  31. Of a boat, ship, or other vessel: laden with cargo.

  32. (syn)


  33. (RQ:Gascoigne Posies)

  34. (RQ:Holinshed Chronicles)

  35. (RQ:Shakespeare Merchant of Venice Q1)

  36. (RQ:Foote Englishman Return'd)

  37. (RQ:Macaulay Miscellaneous Writings)

  38. ''Followed by'' with: carrying, or charged or up|loaded up with (usually something negative); accompanied by; entailing.

  39. (RQ:Gascoigne Flowres)

  40. (RQ:Spenser Amoretti)

  41. (RQ:South Twelve Sermons)

  42. (RQ:Young Centaur)

  43. (RQ:Dickens Christmas Carol)

  44. (RQ:Isaac Taylor Ultimate Civilization)

  45. (quote-book)

  46. Carrying or loaded with anxiety, fear, or stress, for example, due to complexity or difficulty; distressed; also, causing distress; distressing.

  47. (collocation)

  48. (quote-book)|year=1878|section=scene iii, stanza XXI|page=180|pageurl=|oclc=682207752|passage=Nor less her son the like encouraged she / To party bitterness, that was in her, / Ev'n of the fraughtest growth that well could be, / Surpassing most of men's, (..)

  49. (RQ:Telegraph) is but a frippery when set against the burden that her bereft parents, June and Barry, must carry version: No room for sentimentality in this tragedy, 13 September 2014, page S22|archiveurl=|section=Sport|date=21 October 2014|passage=But ever since the concept of "hamartia" recurred through (w)'s ''(Aristotle)|Poetics'', in an attempt to describe man's ingrained iniquity, our impulse has been to identify a telling defect in those brought suddenly and dramatically low. With Pistorius|Oscar Pistorius, that task is fraught.

  50. (quote-journal)

  51. ''Followed by'' with: furnished, provided.

  52. (RQ:Marlorat Golding Revelation)

  53. (RQ:Spenser Fowre Hymnes)

  54. (RQ:Shakespeare King Lear Q1)

  55. (RQ:Bacon Learning)

  56. (RQ:Milton Paradise Regained)

  57. (RQ:Swift Tale of a Tub)

  58. (RQ:Southey Thalaba)