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Liittyvät sanat: finding



  1. teko, toimenpide, työ, inhimillinen toiminta, tekeminen, toimi, keksiminen, löytäminen, havaitseminen, huomaaminen, näkeminen, äkkääminen, itsensä löytäminen, edistysaskel, läpimurto.

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pitää jnk puhekieltä To encounter or discover by accident; to happen upon.
(rfdate) (w)

Searching the window for a flint, I found / This paper, thus sealed up.
In woods and forests thou art found.
puhekieltä To encounter or discover something being searched for; to locate.


(quote-book)|title=(w)|chapter=2|passage=I had occasion … to make a somewhat long business trip to Chicago, and on my return … I found Farrar awaiting me in the railway station. He smiled his wonted fraction by way of greeting, …, and finally leading me to his buggy, turned and drove out of town.
(quote-book)|chapter=10|title= The Mirror and the Lamp|passage=
{{quote-journal|date=January 25, 2011|author=Paul Fletcher|work=BBC|title= Arsenal 3-0 Ipswich (agg. 3-1)|passage=
(quote-magazine)|title= Welcome to the plastisphere|passage=
puhekieltä To discover by study or experiment direct to an object or end.

Water is found to be a compound substance.

puhekieltä To gain, as the object of desire or effort.

to find leisure; to find means

puhekieltä To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire.

Looks like he found a new vehicle for himself!

puhekieltä To point out.
puhekieltä To decide that, to discover that, to form the opinion that.
I find you passing gentle.
The torrid zone is now found habitable.
puhekieltä To arrive at, as a conclusion; to determine as true; to establish.

to find a verdict; to find a true bill (of indictment) against an accused person

to find his title with some shows of truth
puhekieltä To supply; to furnish.

to find food for workmen

puhekieltä To provide for

He finds his nephew in money.

(rfdate) (w)
Wages £14 and all found.
Nothing a day and find yourself.
puhekieltä To determine or judge.
puhekieltä To discover game.
1945, (w), The Pursuit of Love, Penguin 2010, page 57:
They found at once, and there was a short sharp run, during which Linda and Tony, both in a somewhat showing-off mood, rode side by side over the stone walls.


  • "I gotta find Bubba!"

  • "Johnson, there were no survivors in the blast but Islamist suicide terrorists have killed the President. But they will not go unpunished. We want you, to convert to Islam and live a life according to Koran, then, when you die and get to paradise, find these terrorists and kill them. (Suomeksi: Johnson, räjähdyksestä ei jäänyt selviytyjiä, mutta islamistiset itsemurhaterroristit ovat tappaneet presidentin. Mutta he eivät selviä rankaisutta. Me haluamme, että käännyt islaminuskoon ja elät elämn koraanin mukaan, sitten, kun kuolet ja pääset paratiisiin, etsi nämä terroristit ja tapa heidät.) "

  • "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing." Thank you, guys. So proud of you all. Coaching this team is a tremendous honour."

  • "Oh, they're gonna find ya all dead in the alley with cats licking at ya! (Voi, he löytävät teidät kujalta kuolleena jossa, kissat nuolevat teitä!)"


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big band, chateaubriand, dixieland, polterabend, jugend, boyfriend, underground

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