


  1. lehden osasto, jossa on vakavamman asian sijaan viihdyttäviä juttuja, taidekrittiikkiä; niillä julkaistava juttu

  2. (viihdyttävä) jatkosarja

  3. saippuaooppera mkuv

Esimerkkejä feuilleton sanan käytöstä:

le long feuilleton du divorce des époux Berlusconi – Berlusconin parin erofarssi

Lultime vote au Sénat constitue l'épilogue d'un feuilleton à rebondissements. (Figaro)


englanti puhekieltä A small marked-off section of a European newspaper page where usually some light or entertaining article is printed.
puhekieltä A light or entertaining article, usually published in a small marked-off section of a European newspaper.
1899, Knut Hamsun, George Egerton (Mary Chavelita Dunne, translator), w:Hunger (Hamsun novel)|Hunger, 1890, Knut Hamsun, Sult, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=ULQbOUx_MiAC&pg=PA18&dq=%22Now+and+then,+when+luck+had+favoured+me,+I+had+managed+to+get+five+shillings+for+a+feuilleton+from+some+newspaper+or+other%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=kX6IU8bPNMKpkAX5woDACw&ved=0CDEQ6AEwAAv=onepage&q=%22Now%20and%20then%2C%20when%20luck%20had%20favoured%20me%2C%20I%20had%20managed%20to%20get%20five%20shillings%20for%20a%20feuilleton%20from%20some%20newspaper%20or%20other%22&f=false page 18,
Now and then, when luck had favoured me, I had managed to get five shillings for a feuilleton from some newspaper or other.
1990, Peter Fritzsche, Reading Berlin: 1900, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=m--2MIRrZSQC&pg=PA44&dq=%22feuilleton%22%7C%22feuilletons%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=W32IU8ziMImRkQWcvYGwBw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22feuilleton%22%7C%22feuilletons%22&f=false page 44,
The feuilleton, like the other serious, trivial, and merely curious stories on the newspaper page, served up an excess of details. For the most part, the feuilleton writer observed, rather than explained.
2008, Mila Ganeva, Women in Weimar Fashion: Discourses and Displays in German Culture, 1918-1933, http://books.google.com.au/books?id=d_GByB6YjCkC&pg=PA92&dq=%22feuilleton%22%7C%22feuilletons%22&hl=en&sa=X&ei=W32IU8ziMImRkQWcvYGwBw&redir_esc=yv=onepage&q=%22feuilleton%22%7C%22feuilletons%22&f=false page 92,
Indeed, more recent studies of the FZFrankfurter Zeitung and the feuilleton genre also regard essays on fashion as unworthy of analysis — a gesture very similar to the condescending attitudes toward fashion journalism in the early 1920s.
soap opera (TV)


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