

  1. taistella jtk vastaan, vastustaa, puolustautua, tehdä vastarintaa, puolustaa, torjua, selviytyä, pärjätä, selvittää, tulla toimeen, suoriutua, selvitä, kestää, pitää pintansa.

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suoriutua, selviytyä

torjua puhekieltä An enemy; fiend; the Devil.
puhekieltä To take care of oneself, to take responsibility for oneself.
1990, Messrs Howley and Murphy, quoted in U.S. House Subcommittee on Labor Standards, Oversight hearing on the Federal Service Contract Act, U.S. Government Printing Office, page 40,

Mr. Howley. They are telling him how much they will increase the reimbursement for the total labor cost. The contractor is left to fend as he can.
Chairman Murphy. Obviously, he can’t fend for any more than the money he has coming in.
2003, Scott Turow Reversible Errors, page 376
The planet was full of creatures in need, who could not really fend, and the law was at its best when it ensured that they were treated with dignity.
puhekieltä To defend, to take care of ((non-gloss definition)); to block or push away ((non-gloss definition)).
With fern beneath to fend the bitter cold.
1999, Kuan-chung Lo, Guanzhong Luo, Luo Guanzhong, Moss Roberts, Three Kingdoms: A Historical Novel, page 39
He fends, he blocks, too skillful to be downed.
2002, Jude Deveraux, A Knight in Shining Armor, page 187
(..) My age is lot like yours. Lone women do not fare well. If I were not there to fend for you, you—”
to fart
(inflection of)
to protect, defend


  • fendut: naisen rinnat : Se tsittas kaltsilla fendut paljaana.


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polterabend, jugend, boyfriend

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