


  1. slangi isä

Liittyvät sanat: faija , fatsi , mude , muija , mutsi , äijä



  1. kehittyä, huonontua, taantua, degeneroitua, heiketä, kitua, riutua, kadottaa puhtinsa, kuihtua, nääntyä, räytyä, heikentyä, virua, hävitä näkyvistä, sulautua, haalistua, himmetä, hämärtyä, haihtua, hävitä, mennä ohi, hälvetä, häipyä, haaltua, kauhtua, kadota.

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hävitä, heiketä


kuihtua puhekieltä strong Strong; bold; doughty
puhekieltä weak Weak; insipid; tasteless; commonplace.

Passages that are somewhat fade.
De Quincey
His masculine taste gave him a sense of something fade and ludicrous.
puhekieltä A golf shot that (for the right-handed player) curves intentionally to the right. See slice, hook, draw.
A haircut where the hair is short or shaved on the sides of the head and longer on top. See also high-top fade and low fade.
puhekieltä A fight
puhekieltä A gradual decrease in the brightness of a shot (as a means of cutting to a new scene)
puhekieltä To become faded; to grow weak; to lose strength; to decay; to perish gradually; to wither, as a plant.
Bible, Is. xxiv. 4
The earth mourneth and fadeth away.
puhekieltä To lose freshness, color, or brightness; to become faint in hue or tint; hence, to be wanting in color.
flowers that never fade
puhekieltä To sink away; to disappear gradually; to grow dim; to vanish.

The milkmans whistling faded into the distance.''

The stars shall fade away.
He makes a swanlike end, / Fading in music.
1856, (w), (w), Part III Chapter XI, translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling
A strange thing was that Bovary, while continually thinking of Emma, was forgetting her. He grew desperate as he felt this image fading from his memory in spite of all efforts to retain it. Yet every night he dreamt of her; it was always the same dream. He drew near her, but when he was about to clasp her she fell into decay in his arms.
puhekieltä To cause to fade.
puhekieltä To bet against.
(form of)
(monikko) fad|lang=da
(plural indefinite of)
puhekieltä father
tasteless, insipid
boring; lukewarm
share of loot / booty
(inflection of)
1922, w:Rudolf Steiner|Rudolf Steiner, Nationalökonomischer Kurs, http://rsv.arpa.ch/webcli/rsv.cgi?addr=view_page&rndID=&id=13B_40015978_0&fnd=1&page=1&start=0&reqtype=&sort=1&scope=1&dates=&persons=&geo=&cats=1&limit=10&distance=0&docs=13B&doc_inp=&pth=&idx=R.Steiner&title=340-012&page_param=13B_40015978_0&number=10&pageno=11 Erster Vortrag
Solch eine Volkswirtschaftslehre würde der Engländer fade gefunden haben. Man denkt doch über solche Dinge nicht nach, würde er gesagt haben.
: An Englishman would have thought of such an economical theory as bland. He would have said, "One doesn’t think about such things."


  • isoisä

  • isä


  • "Parempi palaa loppuun kuin haalistua olemattomiin." ("It is better to burn out than to fade away.") "


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