


  1. kehittyä (lajina)

Liittyvät sanat: evolution



  1. kasvattaa, kehittyä, tuottaa, saada, hankkia, tulla, lajiutua, erilaistua, erikoistua, johtua, juontaa, kehitellä, kehittää.

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kehittää To move in regular procession through a system.
Sir M. Hale

The animal soul sooner evolves itself to its full orb and extent than the human soul.
(w) (1794-1866)
The principles which art involves, science alone evolves.
(w) (1819-1885)
Not by any power evolved from man's own resources, but by a power which descended from above.
puhekieltä To change; transform.
To come into being; develop.
1939, (w), Uncle Fred in the Springtime
You will remove the pig, place it in the car, and drive it to my house in Wiltshire. That is the plan I have evolved.
puhekieltä Of a population, to change genetic composition over successive generations through the process of evolution.
1859, (w), (w), p. 502:
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.
{{quote-magazine|year=2013|month=September-October|author=http://www.americanscientist.org/authors/detail/katie-l-burke Katie L. Burke
puhekieltä To give off (gas, such as oxygen or carbon dioxide during a reaction).


puhekieltä To cause something to change or transform.
(inflection of)


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