
suomi-englanti sanakirja

evolve englannista suomeksi

  1. kehittyä

  2. kehittää

  1. Verbi

  2. kehittyä

  3. muuttua, kehittyä

  4. kehittää

  5. erittää

evolve englanniksi

  1. To move (something) in regular procession through a system.

  2. (RQ:Hale Mankind)

  3. To change or transform (something).

  4. (ux)

  5. To cause (something) to into being or develop.

  6. {{quote-text|en|year=1939|author=P. G. Wodehouse|title=Uncle Fred in the Springtime

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. (quote-book)I ask you, rather, to evolve a suitable plan with due deliberation and report it to me."14

  9. Of a population: to acquire or develop (a trait) in the process of biological evolution.

  10. To cause (a population, a species, etc.) to change genetic composition over successive generations through the process of evolution.

  11. (RQ:Darwin Origin of Species)

  12. (quote-book)

  13. To off (a gas such as dioxide or oxygen) during a reaction.

  14. To wind or unwind (something).

  15. (quote-book)|edition=Cooke’s|location=London|publisher=(...) C. Cooke,(nb...)|year=1795|lines=9–12|page=54|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=Rx5MAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA54|oclc=1069859750|passage=And come, my Muſe! that lov'ſt the ſylvan ſhade, / Evolve the mazes, and the miſt diſpel; / Tranſlate the ſong; convince my doubting maid / No ſolemn Derviſe can explain ſo vvell— (..)

  16. To move in regular procession through a system.

  17. (RQ:Whewell Philosophy)

  18. (quote-text)|title=Culture and Religion|passage=Not by any power evolved from man's own resources, but by a power which descended from above.

  19. To change, to transform.

  20. Of a trait; to develop within a population through biological evolution.

  21. (inflection of)

  22. (pt-verb form of)