


  1. kateus, kateellisuus

Liittyvät sanat: jealousy



  1. kuolemansynti, kateus, kauna, mielipaha, närkästys, katkeruus, suuttumus, ärsyynnys, ärtymys, viha, kateellisuus, himo, mustasukkaisuus, peniskateus.

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kadehtia resentful Resentful desire of something possessed by another or others (but not limited to material possessions). (defdate)
(w) (1608-1674)

No bliss enjoyed by us excites his envy more.
(w) (1688-1744)
Envy, to which the ignoble mind's a slave, / Is emulation in the learned or brave.
(RQ:Vance Nobody)
Little disappointed, then, she turned attention to "Chat of the Social World," gossip which exercised potent fascination upon the girl's intelligence. She devoured with more avidity than she had her food those pretentiously phrased chronicles of the snobocracy(..)distilling therefrom an acid envy that robbed her napoleon of all its savour.
1983, (w), Plato’s Sophist, p.66:
Theodorus assures Socrates that no envy will prevent the Stranger from responding
An object of envious notice or feeling.
(w) (1800-1859)
This constitution in former days used to be the envy of the world.
puhekieltä hatred Hatred, enmity, ill-feeling. (defdate)
(RQ:Mlry MrtDrthr):
Syre said laūcelot vnto Arthur by this crye that ye haue made ye wyll put vs that ben aboute yow in grete Ieopardy / for there be many Knyghtes that haue grete enuye to vs / therfore whan we shal mete at the daye of Iustes there wille be hard skyfte amonge vs
1598, (w), (w):
But let me tell the World, / If he out-liue the enuie of this day, / England did neuer owe so sweet a hope, / So much misconstrued in his Wantonnesse.
puhekieltä Emulation; rivalry.
(w) (1586-c.1639)
Such as cleanliness and decency / Prompt to a virtuous envy.
puhekieltä Public odium; ill repute.
(w) (1572-1637)
to lay the envy of the war upon Cicero
puhekieltä To feel displeasure or hatred towards (someone) for their good fortune or possessions. (defdate)
puhekieltä To have envious feelings (at). (defdate)
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), II.3.3:
I do not envy at their wealth, titles, offices;(..)let me live quiet and at ease.
Jeremy Taylor:
Who would envy at the prosperity of the wicked?
puhekieltä To give (something) to (someone) grudgingly or reluctantly; to begrudge. (defdate)
1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.v:
But that sweet Cordiall, which can restore / A loue-sick hart, she did to him enuy ….
puhekieltä To show malice or ill will; to rail.

He has(..)envied against the people.

puhekieltä To do harm to; to injure; to disparage.
J. Fletcher
If I make a lie / To gain your love and envy my best mistress, / Put me against a wall.
puhekieltä To hate.


puhekieltä To emulate.


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