
suomi-englanti sanakirja

triage englannista suomeksi

  1. lajittelu, priorisointi, luokittelu

  1. Substantiivi

  2. lajittelu sorting; luokittelu assessment

  3. luokittelu, potilasluokittelu

  4. Verbi

  5. lajittelu

triage englanniksi

  1. Assessment or sorting according to quality, need, etc., especially to determine how resources will be allocated.

  2. (quote-book) Therefore to protect the best and the middling, we must sell off our 'triage coffee.'

  3. {{quote-journal|en|year=2007|author=Jeremy Harding|title=It Migrates to Them|journal=London Review of Books|section=29:5, p. 26

  4. The process of sorting patients so as to determine the order in which they will be treated (for example, by assigning precedence according to the urgency of illness or injury).

  5. The process of prioritizing bugs to be fixed.

  6. That which is picked out, especially broken coffee beans.

  7. A yard, yard.

  8. (quote-journal)

  9. To subject to triage; to prioritize.

  10. {{quote-journal|en|date=February 01, 2009|author=Linda Diebel|title=Existential crises and a rage to save the Liberals|work=Toronto Star|url=

  11. {{quote-text|en|year=2022|author=Michelle McCraw|title=Boss Me

  12. (l) (gloss)

  13. selection, sorting, choosing

  14. (l); sorting

  15. le triage medical

  16. classification, marshalling

  17. yard, yard

  18. (n-g)

  19. (misspelling of)