
suomi-englanti sanakirja

trash englannista suomeksi

  1. heittää pois

  2. roska

  3. roskaväki

  4. lörö

  5. haukkua, löylyttää

  6. jäte

  1. Substantiivi

  2. roska, rikka, jäte

  3. roskakori, jäteastia, roskalaatikko, roskis colloquial, roska-astia, paperikori

  4. roska, romu

  5. roskaväki, roskajoukko

  6. roskakori

  7. Verbi

  8. heittää pois">heittää pois, roskiin">heittää roskiin, heittää menemään, hävittää

  9. sotkea

  10. löylyttää, rökittää, hakata colloquial

  11. halveksia

  12. heittää pois">heittää pois, roskiin">heittää roskiin, heittää menemään, karsia, siivota

  13. ylenkatsoa, halventaa

  14. pitää kytkettynä">pitää kytkettynä, pitää lieassa">pitää lieassa

trash englanniksi

  1. (senseid) Useless physical things to be discarded; rubbish; refuse.

  2. (RQ:Landor Imaginary Conversations)

  3. (senseid) A container into which things are discarded.

  4. (synonyms)


  5. (senseid) Something worthless or of poor quality.

  6. (ux)

  7. (senseid) A dubious assertion, either for appearing untrue or for being excessively boastful.

  8. (syn) (chiefly British)

  9. (senseid) The disused stems, leaves, or vines of a crop, sometimes mixed with weeds, which will either be plowed in as manure or be removed by raking, grazing, or burning.

  10. (senseid) Loose-leaf tobacco of a low grade, with much less commercial value than the principal grades.

  11. (syn)

  12. (senseid) People of low social status or class. (qualifier)

  13. (senseid) A fan who is excessively obsessed with their fandom and its fanworks.

  14. (hypo)

  15. (senseid) Temporary storage on disk for files that the user has deleted, allowing them to be recovered if necessary.

  16. To discard.

  17. {{quote-journal|en|journal=InfoWorld|date=18 December 1989|page=66

  18. To make into a mess.

  19. To beat soundly in a game.

  20. To treat as trash, or worthless matter; hence, to spurn, humiliate, or disrespect.

  21. 20 May 2018, Hadley Freeman in ''(w)'', ''Is Meghan Markle the American the royals have needed all along?''

  22. It is a British tradition for the media to celebrate an upcoming royal wedding by trashing the incoming in-laws, from Diana’s stepmother, Raine Spencer, to Kate Middleton’s Uncle Gary and his memorably named Ibizan villa, Maison de Bang Bang.
  23. To free from trash, or worthless matter; hence, to lop; to crop.

  24. (quote-text)|title=History, Civil and Commercial, of the British Colonies in the West Indies

  25. To hold back by a trash or leash, as a dog in pursuing game; hence, to retard, encumber, or restrain; to clog; to hinder vexatiously.

  26. (RQ:Beaumont Fletcher Comedies and Tragedies)

  27. to thicken, to fatten, to up (something)

  28. to magnify, inflate (an object)

  29. (syn)

    I exaggerate (a story)

    I strengthen, deepen (q)

  30. to gain weight, to become thick, fat

  31. to be getting lower, deeper (q)

  32. to be getting worse (q)

  33. to become more frequent, denser, thicker; to thicken (q)

  34. to be getting tired; to lose (q)

  35. to be stubborn, headstrong, pigheaded, foolish, stupid, bigheaded, arrogant (q)

  36. of an unrefined or vulgar taste; trash

  37. art movement that emphasizes what is ugly, grotesque, or vulgar; trash

  38. (quote-journal) ai cospirazionisti, dai no-mask agli antisemiti, tra feste in piscina, sugli yacht, musica e partite di poker, si ritroveranno tutti tra due settimane in un resort trumpiano di Miami per la tre giorni di quella che, i media americani, definiscono una "vera celebrazione del trash" in un momento in cui l'America è devastata dalla pandemia.|t=From the no-vaxxers to the conspiracy theorists, from the no-maskers to the antisemites, between parties in the pool, on yachts, music and poker games, everyone will find themselves in a Trumpian resort in Miami in two weeks for three days of what the American media calls a "real celebration of trash" in a moment in which America is devastated by the pandemic.

  39. (alternative form of)