
suomi-englanti sanakirja

titling englanniksi

  1. (infl of)

  2. The act of giving something a title, or of impressing the title on the back of a book.

  3. (quote-book)

  4. A legal right to a property; holding a title.

  5. The sparrow, dunnock, titlene, (taxfmt).

  6. (quote-book)its winter note resembles the word, ''Tit'', ''Tit'', often repeated, which has given it the name of Titling in many parts of the country.|section=SYLVIA MODULARIS|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=5FM3AQAAMAAJ&pg=PP540

  7. The pipit ''((taxfmt)'').

  8. (quote-journal)), which it is further imagined, has been its step-mother and nurse from the egg;|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=H9MKAQAAIAAJ&pg=RA17-PA126

  9. Stockfish.

  10. (quote-book)''Stock-fish—Titling—Cropling—Lub-fish''. You should have noted that they are all, nevertheless, to be entered as titlings. How many inches long is a titling?”