
suomi-englanti sanakirja

timer englannista suomeksi

  1. ajastin

  2. ajanottaja

  1. ajanottaja

  2. kello, ajastin

  3. ajastin

  4. Verbi

  5. Substantiivi

timer englanniksi

  1. (agent noun of): someone or something that times.

  2. A device used to measure amounts of time.

  3. (synonyms)


  4. Any electronic function that causes a device to be able to do something automatically after a preset amount of time.

  5. A person who records the time elapsed in a sporting event.

  6. One who has done something a certain number of times.

  7. (usex)

  8. One characterized by a certain time or frame, such as their work hours.

  9. timer

  10. (inflection of)

  11. to dread, fear

  12. (l) (qualifier)

  13. (syn)

  14. (l) (gloss)