
suomi-englanti sanakirja

straggle englannista suomeksi

  1. eksyä, harhailla, kuljeksia

  2. rönsyillä, levitä

  3. rykelmä

  1. Verbi

  2. eksyä

  3. kuljeksia

  4. levitellä

  5. Substantiivi

straggle englanniksi

  1. To stray, rove, or wander from a normal course and others of its kind.

  2. (ux)

  3. (RQ:Marlowe Tamburlaine)

  4. (RQ:L'Estrange Fables of Aesop)

  5. {{RQ:Mortimer Husbandry

  6. {{quote-book

  7. To act in a disorderly and irregular way.

  8. (RQ:Scott Waverley)

  9. {{RQ:Raleigh Historie of the World

  10. (quote-book).

  11. To move along slowly so as to remain some distance behind the person or people in front.

  12. (quote-journal)

  13. An irregular, spread-out group.

  14. (quote-book)

  15. An outlier; something that has strayed beyond the normal limits.

  16. {{quote-text|en|year=1858|author=Thomas Carlyle|title=History of Friedrich II of Prussia