
suomi-englanti sanakirja

smorgasbord englannista suomeksi

  1. voileipäpöytä

  2. runsas valikoima

  1. Substantiivi

  2. noutopöytä, pitopöytä, seisova pöytä, seisovapöytä, voileipäpöytä

  3. lajitelma, valikoima

smorgasbord englanniksi

  1. A Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes; any buffet with a wide selection of dishes.

  2. (quote-book)

  3. (quote-journal)

  4. (quote-journal): Internal Revenue: Title 26, Parts 30 to 39: Revised as of April 1, 1984:(nb...)|location=Washington, D.C.|publisher=(w), (w); General Services Administration; States Government Publishing Office|U.S. Government Printing Office|year=1984|section=part 31 (Employment Taxes and Collection of Income Tax at Source), § 31.6061-1, paragraph 18|page=256|pageurl=|issn=2378-7856|oclc=7514430|passage=Generally, operations are primarily self-service if food or beverages are ordered or selected by a customer by a customer at one location and carried by the customer from such location to the customer's seat. For example, cafeteria lines, buffets, and smorgasbords are primarily self-service.

  5. An abundant and diverse collection of things.

  6. (synonyms)

  7. (quote-journal), States Department of Commerce|U.S. Department of Commerce|month=September|year=1991|volume=26|issue=9|page=10|pageurl=|column=1|issn=1057-9656|oclc=923527021|passage=If you have an appetite for education statistics, consider the above an appetizer for the smorgasbord you'll find in the ''Digest of Education Statistics 1990''.

  8. {{quote-book

  9. (quote-journal)|url=|passage=Mainstream culture is clearly fascinated by (and increasingly comfortable with) non-monogamy, and as a result, the Overton window of “provocative content” has shifted:(nb..). Hollywood has followed suit, giving us a smorgasbord of sexy throuple representations to feast on across three buzzy new films.