
suomi-englanti sanakirja

skol englanniksi

  1. A drinking-toast; cheers.

  2. {{quote-book|en|year=1990|author=Alasdair Gray|chapter=A Free Man with a Pipe|publisher=Canongate|year_published=2012|title=Every Short Story 1951-2012|page=490

  3. To drink a toast; to drink deeply.

  4. 1928, (w), letter, 27 March:

  5. Many bottle of dubious gin and whiskey—with much “skoling”—Emil flashing a fat payroll—and treating three or four still more dubious “merry andrews” who had invited themselves to our noisy nook.
  6. To drink the entire contents of a drinking vessel without pausing.

  7. (quote-book)

  8. {{quote-text|en|year=2011|author=Richard Plant|title=Life's a Blur

  9. school

  10. (l)

  11. (inflection of)

  12. (syn)