
suomi-englanti sanakirja

scarify englannista suomeksi

  1. arpeuttaa

  2. rapata

  3. muokata

  1. Verbi

scarify englanniksi

  1. To remove thatch (build-up of organic matter on the soil) from a lawn, to dethatch.

  2. To make scratches or cuts on.

  3. ''A combing tool is used to scarify, cross-scratch, or score the surface of a scratch coat or undercoat of plaster.''

  4. To damage the testa (seed coat) of a seed by cutting, scraping, chemicals, hot water, or fire to allow permeation of water and faster germination.

  5. To break up, loosen, or roughen the surface of a field or road or a hard surface.

  6. To scratch, etch, burn, or cut designs into one's skin as a form of body modification.

  7. (quote-song)

  8. To harrow the feelings.

  9. To scar.

  10. Denude, or waste to.