
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sak englanniksi

  1. white

  2. (infl of)

  3. action, proceedings

  4. thing, matter

  5. (romanization of)

  6. hollow

  7. (l)

  8. (syn)

  9. (alt sp)

  10. to offer

  11. to empty someone's brain. to make someone stupid

  12. (alt form)

  13. A sack (gloss):

  14. A wallet or moneybag.

  15. A sack (gloss)

  16. A bag-shaped organ.

  17. Cloth used for sacks; sackcloth.

  18. The body; the human form.

  19. buffalo baby

  20. a legal dispute, litigation

  21. a case

  22. (ux)

  23. a matter, that which matters

  24. a cause

  25. affair, business

  26. thing

  27. a (l)

  28. ''Det går til ei god sak''.

    It is for a worthy cause.

  29. a (legal) (l)

  30. an (l), item on an agenda

  31. ''Neste sak gjeld den nye vegen.''

    The next item on the agenda, is the new road

  32. (journalism) (l)

  33. legal case, action

  34. fault

  35. net

  36. birdtrap

  37. travel sack

  38. thing; undefined individual object, usually of relatively small size

  39. (legal) dispute

  40. shark