
suomi-englanti sanakirja

roer englanniksi

  1. A rifle, a gun.

  2. A rudder.

  3. to (l) (gloss)

  4. rower

  5. oarsman, oarswoman

  6. (infl of)

  7. A boat's wheel

  8. A rudder, device to steer a vessel

  9. ''(used absolutely, with the definite article: het roer)'' control

  10. aan het roer staan — ''to have (situation, etc.) under control'', ''to be in charge''

  11. light musket, matchlock gun

  12. (syn)

  13. to gnaw, to nibble, to bite

  14. {{quote-text|gl|year=1555|author=Hernán Núñez|title=Refranes en Romance

  15. {{quote-book|gl|year=1697|author=several authors|title=Fiestas Minervales|location=Santiago|publisher=Antonio Frayz|page=34

  16. {{quote-text|gl|year=1862|author=Manuel Magariños|title=Ferro-carril Compostelano

  17. to corrode

  18. an oarsman, rower

  19. to gnaw

  20. 1917, Raul Brandão, ''Húmus'', 2ª edição

  21. (quote)


  22. to pick at

  23. to down