
suomi-englanti sanakirja

props englannista suomeksi

  1. kunnioitus

props englanniksi

  1. (monikko) en|prop

  2. A of chance using four seashells (each called a ''prop'').

  3. (infl of)

  4. Respect for, or recognition of, another person; an expression of approval or a special acknowledgment; accolades; praise.

  5. ''I've got to give props to Roger for the way he handled that situation.''

  6. 2007, (w) (speaking at Google on November 14, 2007Candidates at Google: Barack Obama Public Policy Blog. Candidates at Google: Barack Obama )

  7. I also want to acknowledge state senator Elaine Alquist who is here... I always want to give her her props.
  8. An acclamation of respect or recognition.