
suomi-englanti sanakirja

personne englanniksi

  1. person

  2. (coi)

  3. (quote-book)

  4. person

  5. (q) one, nobody

  6. (syn)


  7. anyone

  8. nobody, one

  9. (alternative form of)

  10. (quote-book )The II(sup) is, that when they goo abowte eny procuratyoun that in noo wyse they may present eny personne to whom the almys may be gevynn, for and yf they doo they resceive money by a mene persone, therfor when they go for suche almys they shall exhorte them that gevith hit he wille wytsaff to doo the almes them self, or ellis to commyt yt to a nother, the whiche may do hit in his name; but yf it wille nat please hym soo too doo then the bretherne may name a personne, the whiche in his name that gevethe yt may doo the almys, as Pope Nicholas saith in his declaration.

  11. (quote-book ) The sexte artecle es þat we sall trowe þat one þ''e'' fourtede day eftyr þat He rase thurgh strenghe of hym-selfe, He steye in till Heuen''e'', whare oure kynde es now in his blyssyde p''er''sonne, noghte anely euyne ne mete till his angells, bot hey coround kynge abowne all His angells, þat before tym''e'' was lesse þan þ''e'' kynde of angells.

  12. (quote-book ) The cheife Perſonne who kept his Howſe, before vs all, burthened the ſaied Sir ''Nicholas'', with no more Hurtes donne vnto the ſaid Viſcount hym ſelfe, then the Takinge of a Barrell of Drincke; a Bacon, and certeine Oetes, all which his Man delyvered for Enterteinemente, beinge of no ſoche Value, as for ſoche a Perſonne, to ſoch a Servitor, in his Tyme of Service to be accompted of.(..)For by the Declaration of ''Henrie Davills'', ''Robert Harpooll'', Capten ''Macwoorthe'', and v or vj other Perſonnes of Creditt, who were with Sir ''Nicholas'', it apearethe, that after he tooke vp Lodginge, he gave Chardge to everie Capten, to foreſee that there ſhould be no Spoile committed by the Soldiours, beinge in Nombre Cxl, nor any Thinge to be taken withouthe Payment, proteſtinge Hanginge to any, that ſhould take the Value of a Mutton.