out of bounds

suomi-englanti sanakirja

out of bounds englannista suomeksi

  1. kielletyn alueen raja

  1. kielletty

  2. asiaton

  3. ulkona of being outside; ulos of going outside

  4. Substantiivi

out of bounds englanniksi

  1. Where one is prohibited to enter.

  2. ''You can play wherever you want, but remember that the cemetery is out of bounds.''

  3. Beyond the bounds of civility, morality, or normality.

  4. ''You were out of bounds to call him a criminal.''

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1962|title=California Journal of Elementary Education|volume=31|page=205

  6. Outside the area of play; beyond the sideline of a field or court.

  7. ''The ball went out of bounds.''

  8. A sideline marking the edge of a playing field or court.

  9. An instance of a player or the ball going out of bounds.

  10. (quote-book)|passage=Although Oklahoma outyarded the Jays 339 to 155, Kansas fought magnificently and earned its 13-13 tie. Royal's punting had begun to jell. He kicked four out-of-bounds against the Crimson and Blue.