
suomi-englanti sanakirja

sideline englannista suomeksi

  1. sivuharrastus

  2. oheistuote, sivuartikkeli

  3. panna pois pelistä

  4. kentän laita, sivuraja

  1. Substantiivi

  2. reunaviiva

  3. sivu / sivu-, oheinen / oheis-, sivutoimi, oheistuote

  4. sivuraja

  5. kentän laita">kentän laita

  6. sivu

  7. Verbi

sideline englanniksi

  1. A line at the side of something.

  2. (RQ:British Encyclopedia)

  3. Something that is additional or extra or that exists around the edges or margins of a main item.

  4. (ux)

  5. A line for hobbling an animal by connecting the fore and the hind feet of the same side.

  6. A line defining the side boundary of a field. Used in football, lacrosse and basketball.

  7. (synonyms)

  8. The area outside the playing field beyond each sideline.

  9. The outside or perimeter of any activity.

  10. (coi)

  11. (quote-journal)

  12. A secondary road, especially a byroad at angles to a main road.

  13. A hustle.

  14. To place on the sidelines; to bench or to keep someone out of play.

  15. (quote-web)

  16. To remove or keep out of circulation or out of the focus.

  17. {{quote-journal|en