
suomi-englanti sanakirja

ota englanniksi

  1. (ISO 639)

  2. related to the ear

  3. burr, thorn

  4. sting

  5. (RQ:fi:KR38)

  6. (infl of)

  7. tree

  8. afternoon

  9. head

  10. to out, point

  11. (ja-rom of)

  12. paintbrush (gloss)

  13. (ux) artist's) paintbrush|inline=1

    (ux) worker's) paintbrush|inline=1


  14. painting style, work

  15. sin

  16. wrong

  17. of place

  18. to eat raw

  19. udder

  20. warm oneself, get warm

  21. (es-verb form of)

  22. to dream

  23. to sprout, to germinate

  24. to get warm

  25. my

  26. raw fish

  27. grated flesh of a ripe coconut

  28. to eat raw fish

  29. order (gloss)

  30. to order (gloss)

  31. father (c)

  32. ladder

  33. stairs