
suomi-englanti sanakirja

operator englannista suomeksi

  1. operaattori

  2. koneenkäyttäjä, käyttäjä

  3. omistaja

  4. pörssikeinottelija

  5. supliikkimies

  1. Substantiivi

  2. toimija, operaattori; käyttäjä, koneenkäyttäjä machine operator, kuljettaja lit. driver; liikennöitsijä transportation

  3. operaattori, teleoperaattori; keskuksenhoitaja, vaihteenhoitaja

  4. operaattori

  5. Verbi

operator englanniksi

  1. One who operates.

  2. (RQ:Churchill Celebrity)

  3. A telecommunications facilitator whose job is to establish temporary network connections.

  4. A member of a military forces|special operations unit.

  5. The game of whispers.

  6. (senseid) A person who is adept at making deals or getting results, especially one who uses questionable methods.

  7. (quote-av)

  8. A function or other mapping that carries variables defined on a domain into another variable or set of variables in a defined range. Category:en:Functions

  9. The administrator of a channel or network on IRC.

  10. A symbol that represents a construct in a language and differs from a normal function in its syntax.

  11. A kind of expression that enters into an a-bar movement dependency and is said to bind a variable.

  12. ''In the sentence "What did Bill say he wants to buy?", "what" is an operator, binding a phonetically empty variable.''

  13. A driver.

  14. A thief or charlatan.

  15. (quote-book)|volume=II|passage=Sir ''Ol''. Sirrah! I got many a round Sum by it, when my Father wou'd not give me a Groat—Then, Sir, I was in with all the Top Gameſters, and when there was a fat Squire to be fleec'd; I had my Office among them too, and tho' I ſay it, was one of the neateſt Operators about Town.|year_published=1721|date=1709-01-11|author=Colley Cibber|page=104|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/bim_eighteenth-century_plays-written-by-mr-cib_cibber-colley_1721_2/page/104/mode/1up|location=London|publisher=(...) B. Lintot(nb..)

  16. (quote-book)

  17. A major criminal.

  18. (RQ:Observer)

  19. Someone who is successful at pursuing women; a player.

  20. worker, operator

  21. (inflection of)

  22. surgeon

  23. machinist, (l)

  24. surgeon

  25. (syn)

  26. cameraman, cinematographer

  27. (l) (gl)

  28. (l)

  29. operating

  30. worker, (l)

  31. an operator