


  1. ohjain, säädin

  2. kontrolleri: tarkastaja/valvoja yrityksen talouspuolella (käytetään usein englanninkielistä muotoa)

Liittyvät sanat: control



  1. ohjauslaite, ohjain, säädin, vakionopeudensäädin, valitsin, levynohjain, tasain, säätölaite, mekanismi.

Lisää synonyymejää




varainhoidon valvoja, kirjanpitopäällikkö

ohjain, säädin One who controls something.
(rfdat) (w)

The great controller of our fate / Deigned to be man, and lived in low estate.
Any electric or mechanical device for controlling a circuit or system.
puhekieltä A person who audits, and manages the financial affairs of a company or government; a comptroller.
puhekieltä A mechanism that controls or regulates the operation of a machine, especially a peripheral device in a computer.
puhekieltä An iron block, usually bolted to a ship's deck, for controlling the running out of a chain cable. The links of the cable tend to drop into hollows in the block, and thus hold fast until disengaged.
puhekieltä The person who supervises and handles communication with an agent in the field.
puhekieltä The subject of a control verb. See (w)
2004, Paul K. Kroeger, Analyzing Syntax: A Lexical-Functional Approach, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521816238 (hardback), ISBN 0521016541 (paperback), chapter 5.4, (gbooks):
The choice of controller is determined by the matrix verb. If, as in (30b) and (3la), the main verb does not subcategorize for an OBJ, then the controller is the matrix SUBJ. In this case the complement clause is interpreted as having the same subject as the main clause. If the main verb does take an OBJ, the controller is the matrix patient.
puhekieltä In software applications using the model-view-controller design pattern, the part or parts of the application that treat input and output, forming an interface between models and views.
puhekieltä A person who audits, and manages the financial affairs of a company or government, a (l), a (l).
puhekieltä A mechanism that controls or regulates the operation of a machine, especially a peripheral device in a computer, a (l).
ranska (f)rontrôleur
kreikka διευθυντής (m)
italia revisore (m)
romania controlor (m), revizor (m)
venäjä контро́ллер (m)


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bestseller, appenzeller

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