
suomi-englanti sanakirja

onda englanniksi

  1. wave

  2. (inflection of)

  3. then, in that case.

  4. (ux)

  5. wavy, waved

  6. of, from or pertaining to waves or wave phenomena

  7. wave (in a liquid)

  8. c1350, K. M. Parker (ed.), ''Historia Troyana''. Santiago: Instituto "Padre Sarmiento", page 337:

  9. {{quote|gl|''tan brauas eram as ondas do mar que, aos que o asy vyã feruer, que os corações lles tremeam ẽnos ventres''
  10. wave

  11. by, to, beside

  12. (syn)

  13. (infl of)

  14. (alternative form of)

  15. (l)

  16. 13th century, Pergaminho Vindel|''Vindel manuscript'', Codax|Martín Codax, http://cantigas.fcsh.unl.pt/cantiga.asp?cdcant=1310&pv=sim ''Mia irmana fremosa, treides comigo'' (facsimile)

  17. {{quote|roa-opt|Mia irmana fremoſa treides de grado / ala ygreia de uigo u e o mar leuado / E miraremos las ondas.
  18. wave (moving disturbance in a liquid)

  19. wave (moving disturbance in the energy level of a field)

  20. undulation (a wavy appearance or outline)

  21. wave (sudden unusually large amount of something that is temporarily experienced)

  22. fashion; a temporary trend or manner

  23. aunt

  24. then (at that time)

  25. when (in stated circumstances)

  26. then, afterwards

  27. then

  28. wave (q)

  29. any other wave (q)

  30. style, fashion

  31. vibe or mood

  32. (adj form of)

  33. to become thin, emaciated

  34. to become embarrassed, depressed