
suomi-englanti sanakirja

oink englannista suomeksi

  1. röhkäisy

  2. röhkiä

  1. röh, nöf

  2. Substantiivi

  3. röhkäisy

  4. Verbi

  5. röhkiä

oink englanniksi

  1. Representing the grunting sound made by a pig.

  2. Drawing attention to male chauvinism (from the term ''male chauvinist pig'').

  3. (quote-book)

  4. {{quote-text|en|year=2003|author=Robert N. Mansfield; Randy Maas|title=The Assassin: Attack on America

  5. The sound made by a pig, or an imitation thereof.

  6. ''The protesters replied to the police officers' demands with a chorus of oinks.''

  7. Of a pig or in imitation thereof, to make its characteristic sound.

  8. ''The hogs oinked happily in their pen as the farmer poured slop in their feeding trough.''