
suomi-englanti sanakirja

obscene englannista suomeksi

  1. rivo, moraaliton, säädytön

  2. kuvottava, inhottava, vastenmielinen

  3. siveetön

  1. rivo, säädytön, siveetön

  2. himokas, rietas

  3. kuvottava

  4. hillitön

  5. heikkoluonteinen, moraaliton

  6. Verbi

obscene englanniksi

  1. Offensive to standards of decency or morality.

  2. (synonyms)


  3. (RQ:Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost Q1)

  4. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) (w)|year=1610|page=336|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=ea4WAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA336|oclc=903058399|passage=Neither do wee pleaſe them with their owne crimes, or obſcæne ſpectacles: whereas they celebrate both the guilt that there gods incurred who were men, and the fayned pleaſures of ſuch of them as were flat deuills.

  5. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) (w),(nb...)|year=1654|section=paragraph 3|page=54|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=wIBBAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA54|oclc=977445859|passage=Shall I recount his intemperance, voluptuouſneſs, and obſcæne manner of living? or his impious, doubtful or wicked end? no, let them be buried with his aſhes.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. (quote-book)'', at the end of the twentieth century, earned international acclaim as the most obscene, scatological, sacrilegious, and popular comedy in the American mainstream and became a leading profit center for Comedy Central.

  8. Lewd or lustful.

  9. (quote-book)|location=London|publisher=(...) Shakespeare Society|year=1629|year_published=1846|page=129|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=KmJfAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA129|oclc=1118530543|passage=Playes are the nurseries of vice, the bawd, / That thorow the senses steales our hearts abroad, / Tainting our eares with obscæne bawdery, / Lascivious words, and wanton ribaulry.

  10. (quote-book)|year=2011|page=560|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=8fxBvvFu2l8C&pg=PA560|column=2|isbn=978-0-8010-3406-0|passage=He &91;(w)&93; asks how pagan gods who exhibit the same destructive passions and obscene desires as wicked humans can be worthy of worship.

  11. (quote-book)'s&93; contradictions, which is puzzling, comes from his objectivity, stubbornness, and great interest in abusive words and obscene jokes, despite his religiousness and his chastity, which he refused to abandon during his life.

  12. Disgusting or repulsive.

  13. (RQ:Dickens Christmas Carol)

  14. (quote-book) and Violence|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=(w), (w)|year=2017|section=part II (Strengths and Limits)|page=149|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=4MxyDgAAQBAJ&pg=PA149|doi=10.1057/978-1-137-56118-3|isbn=978-1-137-56117-6|passage=Mass shootings occur for a variety of reasons, including social frustration, alienation, detachment, and mental instability. ... Of course it is very difficult to pinpoint why someone would resort to such obscene violence.

  15. Beyond all reason; excessive.

  16. (RQ:Heller Catch-22)

  17. Liable to corrupt or deprave.

  18. (quote-book)&93; found it obscene because it would suggest to young persons (of either sex) "impure and libidinous" thoughts.

  19. To act or speak in an obscene manner; to offend.

  20. (quote-journal)|issue=2|location=New York, N.Y.|publisher=Meridian Books, Inc.|lccn=60-9654|page=111|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/lccn_60009654/page/110/mode/2up?q=obscening|passage=They passed the little stenchy cubicles shared by two families to a floor, and the graffiti gratuitously graven onto the walls, obscening the world and telling it, them, those, the fuzz, and everyone to go and . . .

  21. (quote-book)|chapter=Hymeneal|title=The Talking Trees and Other Stories|location=Boston, Mass.|publisher=Little, Brown and Company|lccn=74-121428|page=49|pageurl=https://archive.org/details/talkingtreesothe00ofao/page/48/mode/2up?q=obscened|passage=That always came as a final apotheosis, showing Phil deep in hell, growling through Greek fire and blue smoke – that is to say, locked upstairs in the bathroom, obscening at her as he never in his life obscened at anybody in public, strangling her with his two fists, shoving her head down into the W.C. and pulling the chain on her for good and all.

  22. (inflection of)

  23. (feminine plural of)