
suomi-englanti sanakirja

nena englanniksi

  1. head

  2. beak, honker, hooter, nozzle

  3. nose

  1. (female equivalent of); girl, female child

  2. mother (term of reference)

  3. child (female), especially before puberty

  4. (syn)

  5. girl; young woman

  6. 1403, M. M .Graña Cid (ed.), ''Las órdenes mendicantes en el obispado de Mondoñedo. El convento de san Martín de Villaoriente (1374-1500)''. Estudios Mindonienses, page 237:

  7. ''Item mando que den aa nena que mora en na casa duas trases et hun tornes et huna camisa et duas sauaas''
    : Item, I order that they give to the girl that lives at the house two ''trases'' ? and a solidus from Tours and a shirt and two sheets
  8. (spelling of)

  9. nose

  10. grandmother

  11. grandma

  12. granny

  13. woman

  14. (female equivalent of); baby girl

  15. (cot)

  16. babe, dear (gloss)

  17. {{quote-song

  18. to say

  19. nose (gloss)

  20. nose (gloss)