
suomi-englanti sanakirja

morepork englanniksi

  1. The (vern) ((taxlink)), a small brown owl indigenous to Zealand and Tasmania. (defdate)

  2. (synonyms)

  3. (quote-book); York, Yorkshire: John L. Linney,(nb...)|year=1843|page=213|pageurl=|oclc=1136308894|passage=The eye of the Morepork or Greater Night Jarr,(si) which I lately had the opportunity of examining, is wonderfully adapted for enabling it to see the insects in the dark, on which it feeds.

  4. (quote-journal); London: Trübner|Trübner 7 Co.,(nb...)|month=May|year=1871|volume=III|page=61|pageurl=|oclc=637513456|passage=Although the living figure of our owl may be unknown to most persons, from the nature of its habits, yet few, perhaps very few, of the older settlers are unacquainted with the human-like cry of the More-pork.

  5. (quote-book)|year=1876|page=182|pageurl=|oclc=224048116|passage=It was better fun wandering about with the old man at night than moping in my hut, listening to the morepoke.

  6. (quote-book)

  7. (quote-journal)

  8. (non-gloss definition)

  9. A foolish person; also, a person who is wearisome.

  10. (quote-hansard)

  11. A person who is lazy or slow; a slowcoach, a slowpoke.

  12. (quote-book)|chapter=1|chapterurl=|title=Is Life (novel)|Such is Life: Being Certain Extracts from the Diary of Tom Collins|location=Sydney, N.S.W.|publisher=Bulletin Newspaper Company|date=1 August 1903|oclc=838332344|location2=Crows Nest, N.S.W.|publisher2=& Unwin|Allen & Unwin House of Books|year2=2012|isbn2=978-1-74331-273-5|passage=Where's that old morepoke? O, you're there, are you? Fetch the jack off o' your wagon—come! fly roun'! you're (very) slow for a young fellow.

  13. (non-gloss definition)

  14. (quote-book) keeps up all night the exact repetition of its own name, "Morepork! morepork!" It is a sound to me most expressive of a dreary loneliness and twilight distance that I ever heard.

  15. (quote-book)|year=1861|page=126|pageurl=|oclc=938606428|passage=As soon as the shades of evening close in over the Australian forest, the ear is startled by the cry of "morepoke," clearly and loudly repeated, and a bird as large as an owl flits by on noiseless wing, like the goat-sucker at home. This is the ''Morepoke'', a species of large night-jar,(si) all head and mouth, about the size of an owl.

  16. (quote-journal); London: Trübner|Trübner 7 Co.,(nb...)|month=May|year=1871|volume=III|pages=61–62|pageurl=|oclc=637513456|passage=As soon as night begins to spread its darkening shadows over our brief twilight, this active creature sets out on its hunting excursions, roaming over field and gully with soft, noiseless flight, one of the advantages it owes to its flocculent plumage; its cry of "morepork, morepork," is repeated at frequent intervals, sometimes with the utmost rapidity of utterance; ...