
suomi-englanti sanakirja

monument englannista suomeksi

  1. monumentti

  1. Substantiivi

  2. monumentti

  3. suursaavutus

  4. hautamuistomerkki

  5. asiakirja

  6. Verbi

monument englanniksi

  1. A structure built for commemorative or symbolic reasons, or as a memorial; a commemoration.

  2. (ux)

  3. An important site owned by the community as a whole.

  4. A sign of exceptional achievement.

  5. {{quote-text|en|year=1897|author=Richard Marsh|title=The Beetle

  6. (quote-journal)

  7. An important burial vault or tomb.

  8. Any grave marker.

  9. A legal document.

  10. A surveying point marked by a permanently fixed marker (a survey monument).

  11. A pile of stones left by a prospector to claim ownership of ore etc. found in a mine.

  12. A natural or artificial object used as a point.

  13. (senseid) A surviving record.

  14. (quote-book)

  15. (quote-book) century

  16. To mark or memorialize with a monument.

  17. To place a surveyor's monument at.

  18. (l)

  19. monument

  20. monument

  21. A sculpture or building built for the honour and commemoration of a person or an event.

  22. (l) (gl)

  23. (syn)

  24. (l) (gl)

  25. memorial