
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mongo englannista suomeksi

  1. mongo

  1. Verbi

  2. Substantiivi

mongo englanniksi

  1. Still-usable things salvaged (by sanmen) from garbage. (defdate)

  2. 1984, NYC ''Issue'' 1-6, page 51:

  3. The old room was furnished in "mongo," Sanit lingo for stuff picked out of the garbage. Mongo-picking, Ukeles explained, "is against the law. The garbage belongs to the City. But until a recent rehabilitation program, which is the first since the Depression, the Sanmen never had their own furnishings.” Prior to the show, the Sanmen voted on the worst facilities in the system and Ukeles selected the exhibition mongo from them—shabby, broken-down furniture, walls cluttered with cheap (..)
  4. 2006, ''Fine Books & Collections'', volume 4, page 56, reviewing ''MONGO: Adventures in Trash'' by Ted Botha (2004):

  5. Mongo refers to trash, or more specifically, to treasure found in trash: books, artifacts, furniture, even food. Ted Botha's book explores a whole culture, and various subcultures, that revolve around mongo. Those obsessed with mongo often live on the margins, (..)
  6. {{quote-book|en|year=2013|author=Robin Nagle|title=Picking Up: On the Streets and Behind the Trucks|isbn=1466836733

  7. (clip of)

  8. bean

  9. to eat

  10. möngö (gloss)

  11. of or pertaining to the (w)

  12. one who is part of the Mongo people

  13. Mongo (gloss)

  14. idiot

  15. idiot; fool; retarded

  16. möngö

  17. idiotic

  18. (syn)

  19. a person with Down's syndrome (or often a (congenital and) clearly noticeable disorder more generally)

  20. (senseid) an idiot and/or weirdo

  21. idiotic, stupid