
suomi-englanti sanakirja

mink englannista suomeksi

  1. minkkiturkki

  2. minkki

  1. Substantiivi

  2. vesikko European mink, minkki American mink

mink englanniksi

  1. or (m) Any of various semi-aquatic, carnivorous mammals in the Mustelinae subfamily, similar to weasels, with dark fur, native to Europe and America, of which two species in different genera are extant: the mink ((taxfmt)) and the mink ((taxfmt)).

  2. (quote-book) J. Monk|year=1771|page=240|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=cK5gAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA240|oclc=923950169|passage=The ''Minx'' (..) frequents the water like the Otter, and very much reſembles it in ſhape and color, but is leſs; will abide longer under the water than the muſk quaſh, muſk rat, or little beaver: (..)

  3. (quote-book) In Three Volumes|location=Newark, Peterborough|publisher=Printed and sold by Allin and Ridge;(nb...)|year=1792|volume=I|page=33|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=NPhfAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA33|oclc=938287134|passage=7. I ſhot three brace of grouſe, and found a mink in one of the traps which I tailed yesterday. 8. The ſame trap caught another mink to-day.

  4. (RQ:Audubon Ornithological Biography)|page=401|passage=Many of these birds are destroyed by Weasels and Minxes.

  5. (quote-book)

  6. (quote-journal)|month=March|year=1873|volume=XXXII|issue=3 (New Series; number 314 overall)|page=93|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=eSjnAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA93|column=1|oclc=77764039|passage=The Mink, so highly valued for its fur, being an amphibious animal, is equally at home upon the land or in the water. (..) The relentlessness with which trapping has been pursued has threatened, in some localities, the extermination of the Mink, and the legislature of at least one State has properly made it punishable by fine to kill a mink between the months of March and November following.

  7. The fur or pelt of a mink, used to make apparel.

  8. (quote-book) Mink at 2''s.'' 4''d.'' Elk at 8''s.'' Deer at 2''s.'' 7½ per Skin.

  9. (quote-journal)

  10. An article of clothing made of mink.

  11. (quote-book): The Magic, the Madness, the Whole Story|edition=updated paperback|location=London|publisher=Pan Books|year=2010|section=part 5|page=255|pageurl=https://books.google.com/books?id=7EkwuCFnE28C&pg=PA255|isbn=978-0-330-51565-8|passage=At one point, money was stolen from one of the bedrooms. (..) Afte that, the family employees were often tested. Jackson|Katherine Jackson would leave the alarm on the closet unarmed, the one in which she kept her minks, chinchillas, and other expensive furs.

  12. A person with poor hygiene; a smelly person.

  13. (l)

  14. mink, (taxfmt)

  15. makeup, cosmetics

  16. (alternative form of).

  17. (cln) (inflection of)

  18. an mink, (taxfmt) or (taxfmt) (C)

  19. {{quote-text|nn|year=1928|author=Edv. Ryste|title=Mink-al

  20. (inflection of)

  21. mink ((taxfmt)).