
suomi-englanti sanakirja

membrana englanniksi

  1. A membrane.

  2. (quote-book )

  3. (quote-journal )

  4. (quote-journal )By November 1st the right membrana had healed, and the man could hear conversation close to his ear without an ear-trumpet. A little tinnitus existed. / The day after the removal of the incus the patient could hear the voice close to the left ear, which had been impossible before. This ability, however, gradually disappeared before the membrana closed.

  5. (quote-journal )In several cases which were kept under close observation for three or four years the animals did not in any way appear to be inconvenienced by the removal of their membranæ.

  6. (quote-journal )In chronic purulent cases it is necessary to excise the remnants of the diseased membrana, and the malleus and the incus, with their synechial bands, in order to liberate the stapes.

  7. (quote-book )Occasionally, too, the membrana becomes swollen and afterwards thickened, or it may be the seat of a tumour.

  8. (quote-journal )of 0.4 u porosity on filtration devices with membrana dia. by means of an underpressure produced by rotary oil vacuum pumps. During filtration the cells on the membrana were washed with a 37° C hot M-medium. From the surface of the membrana the cells were washed and resuspended in an M-medium.(..)Following a 24 hours’ incubation in a cold room at the temperature of 4° C the samples were agitated and then filtered through membranae Synpor 6 of 24 mm dia. by means of a water pump.

  9. A thin, animal-derived, flexible planar material, such as parchment.

  10. (quote-journal ) whereas only wealthier persons bought a regularly got-up edition (clad in purple, etc.). We also can understand the disposition of the poems, for in the opening poem (I 2) Mart. wishes to attract the attention of the public at large and, therefore, recommends the edition in membrana.(..) / (sup) In Book XIV among the presents of the Saturnalia books in membrana are mentioned again. Friedlaender pp. 296 and 299 ff. wrongly thinks that the membranae were the more costly presents, whereas Birt, Das antike Buchwesen (Leipzig 1882) had already offered the correct explanation.

  11. membrane

  12. (l)

  13. membrane

  14. the skin or membrane that covers parts of the body; (q) the skin or slough of snakes

  15. the thin skin of plants and other things

  16. a skin prepared for writing, etc.; parchment

  17. the surface, outside of a thing

  18. membrane (gl)

  19. (syn)

  20. diaphragm (gl)