
suomi-englanti sanakirja

malignity englannista suomeksi

  1. pahuus

  1. Substantiivi

malignity englanniksi

  1. The quality of being malign or malignant; badness, evilness, monstrosity, depravity, maliciousness.

  2. (RQ:Scott Rob Roy) His obvious malignity of purpose never for a moment threw him off his guard, and he exhausted every feint and strategem proper to the science of defence; while, at the same time, he mediated the most desperate catastrophe to our rencounter.

  3. (RQ:Dickens Great Expectations)

  4. {{quote-book|en|year=1907|year_published=1980|author=Barbara Baynton|title=Human Toll|series=Portable Australian Authors: Barbara Baynton|editors=Sally Krimmer; Alan Lawson|publisher=University of Queensland Press|location=St Lucia|page=265|passage=

  5. A non-benign cancer; a malignancy.

  6. 2005, Jun;106(3):177-80 English abstract of French article "Multiple metastases of a mandibular ameloblastoma" R.L. Abada et al., "Multiple metastases of a mandibular ameloblastoma", ''Revue de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale''

  7. The absence of any histological sign of malignity in the primary tumor and in the metastases, as observed in our patient, is remarkable.