
suomi-englanti sanakirja

made-up englannista suomeksi

  1. valmiiksi tehty

  1. keksitty

  2. ehostettu, meikattu

  3. tehty, valmis

made-up englanniksi

  1. Invented or fabricated.

  2. ''He told me a made-up version of the events, but I demanded the truth.''

  3. Changed by the application of cosmetics; wearing make-up.

  4. ''a freshly made-up clown''

  5. (quote-journal)

  6. Arranged or put together.

  7. ''The newly made-up front page had to be changed as the last-minute news arrived.''

  8. Delighted, pleased, thrilled.

  9. ''I was made up when the local team won.''