
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lilt englannista suomeksi

  1. ääntää huolellisesti

  2. sävelkulku, intonaatio

  1. Verbi

  2. Substantiivi

lilt englanniksi

  1. To do something rhythmically, with animation and quickness, usually of music.

  2. (RQ:Wordsworth Poetical Works)

  3. To sing cheerfully, especially in Gaelic.

  4. To utter with spirit, animation, or gaiety; to sing with spirit and liveliness.

  5. {{RQ:Tennyson Princess

  6. Animated, brisk motion; spirited rhythm; sprightliness.

  7. A lively song or dance; a cheerful tune.

  8. A cheerful or melodious accent when speaking.

  9. July 18 2012, Scott Tobias, AV Club, The Dark Knight Rises (review)

  10. Though Bane’s sing-song voice gives his pronouncements a funny lilt, he doesn’t have any of the Joker’s deranged wit, and Nolan isn’t interested in undercutting his seriousness for the sake of a breezier entertainment.