
suomi-englanti sanakirja

legist englanniksi

  1. One skilled in the law.

  2. (RQ:Wells Shape)

  3. A writer on law; also, a lawmaker, a legislator.

  4. (quote-text)|title=The Great Nation|page=3|publisher=Penguin|year_published=2003|passage=‘King and kingdom,’ concurred d'Aguesseau, wisest of wise eighteenth-century legists, ‘form a single entity.’

  5. (m): one skilled in the law

  6. 1484, (w) (translator), ''(w)'', “The Wulf whiche made a fart” in ''The Fables of Aesop as first printed by William Caxton in 1484'', edited by (w), London: David Nutt, 1889, Volume II, p. 162,https://archive.org/details/fablesofaesopasf02aesouoft

  7. (quote)
  8. forensic