
suomi-englanti sanakirja

lawspeaker englanniksi

  1. An official in Scandinavia whose duties included memorizing laws as well as presiding over, and reciting the laws at, regional Things or the Althing; the office of that person.

  2. (quote-book)|edition=Paperback|pageurl=|page=316|publisher=University of Texas Press|year_published=2009

  3. 1974, Jón Jóhannesson, ''A History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth: Islendinga Saga'', (w), 2006, Reprint, page 48,

  4. The lawspeaker was the president of the Althing.(..)Except for the hallowing ceremony, the lawspeaker was in charge of all the affairs of the Althing.
  5. {{quote-book|en|year=1996|author=Daniel Judah Elazar|title=Covenant and Commonwealth: From Christian Separation Through the Protestant Reformation: The Covenant Tradition in Politics|volume=2|pageurl=|page=117