
suomi-englanti sanakirja

label englannista suomeksi

  1. leima

  2. leimata

  3. tarra, etiketti

  4. levy-yhtiö

  5. erottaa

  6. etiketöidä

  1. Substantiivi

  2. etiketti; lappu, merkki

  3. leima

  4. Verbi

  5. laputtaa

  6. leimata

label englanniksi

  1. A small ticket or sign giving information about something to which it is attached or intended to be attached.

  2. (syn)


  3. A name given to something or someone to categorise them as part of a particular social group.

  4. (senseid) A company that sells records.

  5. A user-defined alias for a numerical designation, the reverse of an enumeration.

  6. A named place in code that can be jumped to using a GOTO or equivalent construct.

  7. A (l) resembling the strap crossing the horse’s chest from which pendants are hung.

  8. A tassel.

  9. (RQ:Fuller Worthies of England)

  10. A small strip, especially of paper or parchment (or of some material attached to parchment to carry the seal), but also of iron, brass, land, etc.

  11. (rfdate) Shakespeare, ''Romeo and Juliet'', iv.:

  12. Ere this hand, by thee to Romeo seal'd, / Shall be the label to another deed.
  13. (RQ:Taylor Great Exemplar) 'sealed the grave, and rolled a great stone at the mouth of it' and as an ancient tradition says, bound it about with labels of iron.

  14. {{quote-text|en|year=1650|author=Fuller|title=Pisgah|section=IV. i. 25

  15. {{quote-text|en|year=1679|title=Hist. of Jetzer|section=5

  16. A piece of writing added to something, such as a codicil appended to a will.

  17. A brass rule with sights, formerly used with a circumferentor to take altitudes.

  18. The projecting moulding by the sides, and over the tops, of openings in mediaeval architecture.

  19. {{quote-book|en|year=2018|author=Marilyn Stokstad|title=Medieval Art|publisher=Routledge|isbn=9780429974663

  20. In mediaeval and later art, a representation of a band or scroll containing an inscription.

  21. {{quote-text|en|year=1859|publisher=Victoria and Albert Museum|title=Inventory of the Objects forming the Collections of the Museum of Ornamental Art at South Kensington|page=34

  22. {{quote-text|en|year=2000|title=The Rutgers Art Review

  23. {{quote-book|en|year=2011|author=Catherine A M Clarke|title=Mapping the Medieval City: Space, Place and Identity in Chester c.1200-1600|publisher=University of Wales Press|isbn=9781783164615

  24. {{quote-book

  25. A non-interactive control or widget displaying text, often used to describe the purpose of another control.

  26. To put a label (a ticket or sign) on (something).

  27. ''The shop assistant labeled all the products in the shop.''

  28. To give a label to (someone or something) in order to categorise that person or thing.

  29. ''He's been unfairly labeled as a cheat, although he's only ever cheated once.''

  30. (quote-journal)| volume=73| issue=25| page=22| pageurl=| passage=A friend of mine who runs an intellectual magazine was grousing about his movie critic, complaining that though the fellow had liked ''The Godfather'' (page 58), he had neglected to label it clearly as a masterpiece.

  31. To replace specific atoms by their isotope in order to track the presence or movement of this isotope through a reaction, metabolic pathway or cell.

  32. To add a detectable substance, either transiently or permanently, to a biological substance in order to track the presence of the label-substance combination either ''situ'' or ''vitro''

  33. 2015, "Protein binder woes" (editorial), ''(w)'', 12(5) (May): 373.

  34. They may be used to label and image a protein within tissue, to isolate cells on the basis of marker expression, or to physically capture a protein from a complex biological mixture....
  35. quality label

  36. Max Havelaar'' is het bekendste fair-tradelabel.''

    ''Max Havelaar'' is the most well-known fair-trade label.

  37. music label

  38. quality (l)

  39. label

  40. label

  41. (l):

  42. a small ticket or sign giving information about something to which it is attached or intended to be attached.

  43. a user-defined alias for a numerical designation, the reverse of an enumeration.

  44. quality label

  45. strip of fabric

  46. badge; insignia

  47. ''Les armes son pere a label portoit''

    His weapons bore the insignia of his father

  48. music (l)