

  1. brändi, tavaramerkki

  2. polttomerkki

  3. laatu, laji

Katso myös: brändi

Liittyvät sanat: brand new



  1. miekka, lyömämiekka, ratsuväen miekka, sapeli, lyhyt leveä miekka, kalpa.

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Liittyvät sanat: brandy.



brandi, brändi, tuotemerkki


häpeämerkki puhekieltä A piece of wood red-hot, or still burning, from the fire.

Snatching a live brand from a wigwam, Mason threw it on a matted roof.
puhekieltä A sword.
Paradise, so late their happy seat, / Waved over by that flaming brand.
The shattering trumpet shrilleth high, / The hard brands shiver on the steel, / The splinter'd spear-shafts crack and fly, / The horse and rider reel
A mark of ownership made by burning, e.g. on cattle, or to classify the contents of a cask.
A branding iron.
A name, symbol, logo, or other item used to distinguish a product or service, or its provider.
A specific product, service, or provider so distinguished.


Any specific type or variety of something; a distinct style, manner.
(quote-magazine)|date=20 July 2013|volume=408|issue=8845|passage=Since the launch early last year of (..) two Silicon Valley start-ups offering free education through MOOCs, massive open online courses, the ivory towers of academia have been shaken to their foundations. University brands built in some cases over centuries have been forced to contemplate the possibility that information technology will rapidly make their existing business model obsolete.
(quote-journal)|date=17 November 2014|passage=One minute this "Jihadi John" was struggling to get by, and get accepted, in drizzly England, unemployed with a mortgage to pay and a chip on his shoulder, and the next he stands in brilliant Levantine sunlight, where everything is clear and etched, at the vanguard of some Sunni Risorgimento intent on subjecting the world to its murderous brand of Wahhabi Islam.
The reputation among some population of an organization, of the products sold under a particular brand name, or of a person.
Any minute fungus producing a burnt appearance in plants.
puhekieltä To burn the flesh with a hot iron, either as a marker (for criminals, slaves etc.) or to cauterise a wound.

When they caught him, he was branded and then locked up.

puhekieltä To mark (especially cattle) with a brand as proof of ownership.

The ranch hands had to brand every new calf by lunchtime.

puhekieltä To make an indelible impression on the memory or senses.

Her face is branded upon my memory.

puhekieltä To stigmatize, label (someone).

He was branded a fool by everyone that heard his story.

(RQ:Frgsn Zlnstn)
I had never defrauded a man of a farthing, nor called him knave behind his back. But now the last rag that covered my nakedness had been torn from me. I was branded a blackleg, card-sharper, and murderer.
{{quote-journal|date=October 23, 2011|author=Phil McNulty|work=BBC Sport
puhekieltä To associate a product or service with a trademark or other name and related images.

They branded the new detergent "Suds-O", with a nature scene inside a green O on the muted-colored recycled-cardboard box.

puhekieltä Associated with a particular product, service, or company.

That computer company has brand recognition.

Have we settled on our brand name?

fire (gloss)
smut (gloss)
fire (qualifier)
(nl-verb form of)
puhekieltä a sword
(is-inflection of)
English brand (product symbol)
fire (occurrence of fire in a certain place)
accidental, uncontrollable fire


  • "To be honest, varför ska man promovera Kyrkans liksom utlandshjälp - det är så där att "en Nokia blev stulen, ska ni göra något". De försöker liksom lyfta sitt eget brand, that's the point"


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big band, chateaubriand, dixieland

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