
suomi-englanti sanakirja

klik englanniksi

  1. (alt form)

  2. to cry; to utter something loudly or raucously, to scream

  3. push-up

  4. click

  5. (infl of)

  6. click, sharp sound

  7. a press of a mouse button

  8. click consonant

  9. (l): a small, exclusive group of individuals, usually according to lifestyle or social status; a (l).

  10. (l):

  11. : an ingressive sound made by coarticulating a velar or uvular closure with another closure.

  12. the act of operating a switch, etc., so that it clicks.

  13. : the act of pressing a button on a computer mouse, both as a physical act and a reaction in the software.

  14. click (gl)

  15. (syn)

  16. click (gl)

  17. (inflection of)

  18. cry, scream, cheer, shriek (gloss)

  19. scream (gloss)

  20. click (gloss)