
suomi-englanti sanakirja

intra- englanniksi

  1. Within a single entity indicated by the root word:

  2. (senseid) Within a group or concept.

  3. (uxi) is within a monophyletic taxon, (uxi) is within a coalition, (uxi) is within a corporation

  4. (senseid) Inside or with, in terms of location or position.

  5. (uxi) is within a bone, (uxi) is inside the heart, (uxi) is within the colon

  6. (senseid) During, within a time period.

  7. (uxi) is during an operation, (uxi) is during the hours of daylight, (uxi) is within a decade

  8. (senseid) Behaviour of a single individual.

  9. (uxi) is within the evaluations of a single judge, (uxi) is relating to a single doctor, (uxi) is of a single participant

  10. (senseid) A direction that is inward or into the location indicated by the root word.

  11. (uxi) is into a cavity of the body, (uxi) is into or within the cloaca, (uxi) is into the cisterna

  12. (senseid) Indicating that the root is internal in nature.

  13. (uxi) is to marry a member of the same group, social stratum, or religion: the marriage is ''intra'' a social group rather than this being within a single marriage; (uxi) is a private computer network: i.e. a network that is ''intra''; (uxi) is a person employed to work independently within a company in order to introduce innovation and to revitalize and diversify its business: i.e. an entrepreneur that is ''intra''; (uxi) is to connect with other cells that are connected together in a cluster,

  14. In between two entities:

  15. (senseid) Between two or more similar entities that are within a larger entity. The root indicates the commonality between the entities.

  16. (uxi) is between individuals of the same chirality, (uxi) is between organisms that have the same ploidy, (uxi) is such that one allele affects the expression of another allele in the same gene locus

  17. (senseid) Spatially located between two points within the region indicated by the root entity.

  18. (uxi) is located between the anterior and posterior media longitudinal veins on the wing, (uxi) is occurring between two or more points within a galaxy, (uxi) is between different parts of the same molecule

  19. (senseid) Spatially located between the root entity and a reference point.

  20. (uxi) is between the planet Mercury and the sun, (uxi) is situated between the petiole and the stem, (uxi) Situated below the point where a leaf joins the stem.

  21. (senseid) The interior of the region indicated by the root.

  22. (uxi) is the interior of the calvarium, (uxi) is the interior of the cranium

  23. (senseid) A part of the root entity.

  24. (uxi) is a part of a mountain, (uxi) is part of the narrative

  25. (senseid) In alignment or synchronous with the root entity.

  26. (uxi) is pulses that are aligned with the musical metre, (uxi) is being an intransitive verb in which the subject both actively performs and undergoes the action

  27. (l)

  28. (syn)

  29. (l) (prefix indicating inside, within, interior)

  30. intra-

  31. (ant)

  32. (l).