
suomi-englanti sanakirja

in-line englanniksi

  1. (rfv-sense) Consisting of parts arranged in a single line.

  2. Having all cylinders in a single straight line; straight.

  3. Inserted in the flow of a text.

  4. ''An in-line mathematical formula does not have to be on a line of its own.''

  5. ''referencing|Parenthetical referencing is a citation style which uses in-line citations enclosed within parentheses.''

  6. ''This is an inline (e.g. mid-sentence) template for marking up text as a Wikipedia self-reference.''

  7. Of a different language than the outer enclosing code.

  8. ''(w) allows the programmer to write in-line language.''

  9. Of a style: inserted in the style attribute of an HTML element instead of in a separate stylesheet.

  10. (quote-book)